I'm trying to style a component but it doesn't look like the styles that I'm using is getting applied.
toolTipStyle gets prop-drilled down to the component but and I can see that they exist if I console.log them.
export const LinkCopiedToolTip = ({ disclaimerText, isDesktop, tooltipStyle, setHasCopiedInvitationLink,}) => { const [fadeOutTooltip, setFadeOutTooltip] = useState<boolean>(false)......... return (<View style={{ ...tooltipStyle.tooltipContainer, ...(fadeOutTooltip && tooltipStyle.fadeOut) }}><Tooltip hasFluidWidth arrow={isDesktop ? 'left' : 'top'}> {disclaimerText}</Tooltip></View> )}
The component LinkCopiedToolTip gets rendered depending on the state hasCopiedInvitationLink
like this in a parent component:
{hasCopiedInvitationLink && (<LinkCopiedToolTip disclaimerText={disclaimerText} isDesktop={isDesktop} tooltipStyle={{ ...tooltipContainer, ...fadeOut }} setHasCopiedInvitationLink={setHasCopiedInvitationLink} /> )}
Any takes :)? I'm at my wits end here. Thanks!
Tried a bunch of stuff. If I just hardcode the styles directly it works.