I have the following code:
async method() { const values: RequestForHelp[] = await databaseHelper.getUnacceptedAndUnsucceededRequests(); for (const request of values) { request.userHelpMeLatitude = 19; request._userHelpMeLatitude = 20; console.log(request.userHelpMeLatitude); console.log(request._userHelpMeLatitude); } }
Why does the first console.log return 19, and the second one 20?
If I print console.log(request);
I get the following output:
{"_userHelpMeLatitude": 20, ", "userHelpMeLatitude": 19}
Both the getter and setter methods are setting the "_userHelpMeLatitude" variable, so it should change its value after being set, but this is not happening and I don't know why. As a result, the value returned by the getter and the value printed out by my variable are giving different values, even though they shouldn't.
class RequestForHelp{public _userHelpMeLatitude: number |string; public get userHelpMeLatitude(): string | number { return this._userHelpMeLatitude; }public set userHelpMeLatitude(value: number | string) { this._userHelpMeLatitude = value;}}export {RequestForHelp};
public async getUnacceptedAndUnsucceededRequests(): Promise<RequestForHelp[]>{ const requestsForHelpRef = this.database.ref('RequestsForHelp'); const snapshot = await requestsForHelpRef.once('value'); const requestsForHelpTemp = snapshot.val(); const filteredRequestsForHelp = Object.values(requestsForHelpTemp).filter((request:any) => !request.accepted && !request.succeeded); return filteredRequestsForHelp as RequestForHelp[]; }
Thank you in advance