When I click on my FlatList I can drag and move it in all directions (up/down/right left). Although the list appears to be vertical (maybe because of the styling), the scroll bar still appears horizontally. How can I disable this dragging?
This is how I am using the FlatList:
<FlatList data={data.me.friends.nodes} //horizontal={false} //scrollEnabled={false} renderItem={({ item }) => (<FriendItem friend={item} originatorId={data.me.id}/> )} keyExtractor={(item) => item.id.toString()} ListEmptyComponent={NoFriendsContainer} />
This is from the FriendItem's return
return (<View style={styles.item}><TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.navigate('FriendDetails') }><Thumbnail style={styles.thumbnail} source={{ uri:'https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/person-512.png', }}></Thumbnail></TouchableOpacity><View style={styles.nameContainer}><Text style={styles.userName}>{userName}</Text></View><View style={styles.deleteButtonContainer}><Button rounded style={styles.deleteButton} onPress={() => onDeleteFriend(originatorId, friend.id)}><Icon name="trash-o" size={moderateScale(20)} color="black" /></Button></View></View> );};
Styles for FriendItem:
export const styles = StyleSheet.create({ item: { backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: moderateScale(20), padding: moderateScale(20), marginVertical: moderateScale(8), marginHorizontal: 16, height: moderateScale(110), width: moderateScale(360), justifyContent: 'space-between', flexDirection: 'row', }, userName: { paddingRight: 55, paddingLeft: 10, paddingTop: 20, }, deleteButton: { backgroundColor: '#31C283', width: moderateScale(45), justifyContent: 'center', }, deleteButtonContainer: { paddingTop: 12, marginRight: 2, }, thumbnail: { height: 85, width: 85, marginLeft: 2, paddingRight: 0, position: 'relative', }, nameContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', },});
I also tried removing the TouchableOpacity but it made no difference.