I have a screen where I am using a query like this:
export const AllFriends: React.FunctionComponent = () => { const navigation = useNavigation(); const { data, error } = useGetMyProfileQuery({ onCompleted: () => { console.log('hellooo') }, });
Every time I visit this page from the home-page, I think the query re-runs as I always see the hello
log. Similarly, from this page, I visit another screen like this:
<Text onPress={() => navigation.navigate('PendingRequests')}> Pending Requests ( {data ? data.me.pendingUserRelationsRequestsReceived.totalCount : ''} )</Text>
Every time I visit this screen, I see the hellooo from pending again. This screen looks like this:
export const ReceivedPendingRequests: React.FunctionComponent = () => { const navigation = useNavigation(); const { data, error } = useGetMyProfileQuery({ onCompleted: () => { console.log('hellooo from pending') }, }); return (<SafeAreaView style={styles.safeView}><Container style={styles.container}><Text style={styles.backText} onPress={() => navigation.navigate('AllFriends')}> Zurück</Text></Container></SafeAreaView> );};
Now the problem is that when I navigate back to AllFriends, the query should re-run and I should see the hello
log again just like I see when I come from the Homepage to AllFriends. But I don't.
However, if I come back from AllFriends to PendingRequests, I see the log hellooo from pending again.
useFocusEffect(()=>{ getMyProfile() },[]); const getMyProfile = () => { const { data, error } = useGetMyProfileQuery({ onCompleted: () => { console.log('hellooo') }, //fetchPolicy: 'network-only', }); }