Platform specific import component in react native with typescript
I am using react native with typescript. I have a component with the following structurecomponent - component.ios.tsx - I want to import the component. So, I am doing...
View ArticleBottom navigator not switching tabs in React Native
Okay so I am new to React Native so I believe that I just have a structural issue but I can not seem to realize what I am doing wrong.I am trying to have 4 tabs but when I click on each tab it is not...
View Articlecustom checkbox false or true after click
I'm developing a Checkbox component, because the native one doesn't work because of Expo, so I decided to create a custom one, but I'm new to react native and I'm not able to change the state of my...
View ArticleReact Native Animated.sequence not running when JS thread is blocked
I'm trying to create a custom animation loop using a combination of react-native Animated.parallel and Animated.sequence.looping animation around a boxThe problem is when I introduce a long running...
View Articlereact-native run-ios: Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent:...
I use expo with Bare Workflow (and I am new with BW).If I run my app with expo start, it will run perfectly. But if I run it with react-native run-ios I get this error:Invariant Violation:...
View ArticleReact-Native (0.64.2) Formik handleSubmit onSubmit not firing
Relevant Modules:Formik: "2.1.4"Yup: "0.28.5"React-Navigation v5So i've been struggling with a simple formik problem for a day now, and I'm sure I must be missing something, but I would love some help,...
View ArticleHow do I configure absolute paths for imports in TypeScript based React...
In order to avoid '../../../../' style relative imports in a TypeScript based React Native app, I would like to configure the app so that I can use absolute imports instead.It is important that the...
View ArticleHow do you document a React Native/React/Node project within the team?
I would like to learn of ways that yourself or your team handles documentations within your JS-related projects, such as React, React Native, or Node. This includes custom hooks, API methods, usage...
View ArticleArguments inside "onChange" its no compatble with "NativeSyntheticEvent"
I am new with react native and when i try do this<TextInput style={styles.input} onChange={(text) => setPontoValue(text)} />i receive this errorTS2345: Argument of type...
View ArticleAsync function doesn't resolve when i use AsyncStorage on React Native
Hello guys i'm using ignite react native but i have a problem when using async storage, the async function to call api doesn't resolve. When i use Reactotron i can see the api call was made...
View ArticleAccessing values from a Map
I'm struggling to get the string values from a Map<string, List<string>> object. The object contains this information:{"thisKeyName": [Array]}The [Array] contains something like...
View ArticleDoes this component fit into the Anti-Patterns of React?
How can I rewrite this component so it doesn't go against the rules of React? I'm calling the function renderButtonType() inside of the render(). Is that the correct way to conditionally render the...
View ArticleHow do I connect functionality to material ui tooltips in react typescript app?
I am trying to learn to use react and typescript. However, I am really stuck here.I am trying to build a counter in the app based on the number of clicks a button gets which is a material ui tooltip. I...
View ArticleWhat's the equivalent of this in typescript? [closed]
I can use the following block in react to upload an image and show it:function FileUpload() { const [file, setFile] = React.useState(""); function handleUpload(event) { setFile([0]);...
View ArticleWhat's the type of mapView elements like Marker and MapView, Typescript react...
I am using typescript with MapView and its components, I need to know the type of mapView and marker to put in the interface,That's the code,interface SelectInput { style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;...
View ArticleExpo vector icons not finding icon
I'm using @expo/vector-icons and I'm using Ionicons, but the icon is not being displayed, I did everything following the documentation, but no icon is being displayed. Below is how it is being...
View ArticleSearch people by alphabet characters in TypeScipt?
How to create a search bar for a list of strings and filter content by alphabet character from TextInput component?The search bar must works by updating the search state each time text is entered or...
View ArticleValue getting reset in React component
I'm working on a new react native app and there's going to be a lot of things in the app that are a sequence of screens that I want to show one after the other in a specific order. To control this, I'd...
View ArticleHow to type Tab Navigator in react navigation 5 and TypeScript
import React from 'react';import { Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native';import { BottomTabNavigationProp, createBottomTabNavigator,} from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';import {...
View ArticleError with firing up react native project
Error: EMFILE: too many open files, watch at FSEvent.FSWatcher._handle.onchange (internal/fs/watchers.js:178:28)I get this error when I am starting my react native project. I use Expo. This problem...
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