react native : How to catch the user when he exits the screen after he has...
In my example I present a flatlist of items with a checkbox.My goal is:1 . When the user marked one of the checkbox or more then he tried to exit the screen if backwards or he tried to move to another...
View ArticleHow can I put a component after get the data, i mean like wait for the data...
Im trying to display an array of images that the user pick, but I have to wait until this data is picked and then return the components, im using React-Navigation
View ArticleReact Typescript hooks and props
This is my first project using Typescript and also React Native. I just create a simple logic on App.tsx then, I tried to split it with a component. But, when I pass the props from the Modal component...
View ArticleHow to submit a value to Qualifield
I have a test to submit in the plataform Qualifield, and the code is running correctly, but i cant send it, the return probably is not the right way to send the result. someone knows how to submit it?...
View ArticleReact Mobx with MST: Refresh token implement logic
I come from Redux and I start to learn MST.I try to introduce the logic of Token's refreshing professionally. I have already explained what it is supposed to:Client sends a request to the serverServer...
View ArticleTypescript does not fail on type mismatch
I use tsx in my react native app.Why doesn't my app fail or even log type mismatch to console when I write this codeconst MainScreenSelect: FunctionComponent<{ }> = function ({ }) { let...
View ArticleExpo "Cannot GET /" when passing parameter
I have completely blank expo app. When I type on iPhone in safari deep link: exp://, it starts the app correctly.When I try to pass parameter:...
View ArticleHow can i stop the color from updating, i am using a random color generation...
I am trying to make a sort of team bracket generator in react native and I keep getting this issue where the color is updating each time I add a new object to the array, I know that the render is...
View ArticleIs it already possible to use top-level await in react-native?
Is it already possible to use top-level await in react-native? I saw it's been added to TypeScript 3.8 (I was not using TS, I just tried to see if it would help but no). However in react-native file...
View ArticleReact native styled components provider return undefined
I am using React native typescript for my app. This is my App-structure. I have made custom Styled-components theme provider And I glued to my root project. It throws me error: (0 ,...
View Articleerror An unexpected error occurred:...
After uninstalling the react-native-clii run this command to initiate a RN project with typescript template:npx react-native init MyApp --template react-native-template-typescriptbut i got this...
View ArticleReact Native/Typescript - Error Module '"react-native"' has no exported...
I cannot seem to remove this error message and don't know exactly where it comes from. Pressable is indeed a working component, but the thing that shouts at me doesn't understand that. What is it and...
View ArticleFetch seems to wait for a previous fetch to finish
I have a really weird situation in react-native. When I trigger a long running fetch (POST to upload a photo) it seems that the ones I do after (GET to fetch data for exemple) are waiting for the...
View ArticleEvery click on addCart appear a new of the same component
I want to everytime i click on "addCart" appear a new of the same component ( another Bets>Example Number</Bets appears on the DOM).const newBet: React.FC = () => { const [getAddCart,...
View ArticleRealm JS Typescript: type for Realm.Results
I'm using Realm JS for a React-Native app written in TypeScript and I'm wondering about the typing of is my use case:My Schema for 'MessageData' is:export const MessageDataSchema = {...
View ArticleHow pass data between component father to child in react native with typescript
I'm new in the typescript and iam tryng to pass data between to components, and i don't have any idea how to do this in typescriptmy father componentconst Main: React.FC = () => { const [orgsData,...
View ArticleRangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded React Native
I use for fetching data from GraphQL server in React Native.The component is implemented as follows:import React from "react"import { View, Text } from...
View Articlehow to solve Property 'navigation' does not exist on type 'Readonly&
I have the following two pieces of code:CustomHeader.tsximport { View, StyleSheet, Button } from 'react-native';import { NavigationScreenProps } from 'react-navigation';import Icon from...
View ArticleReact Navigation w/ TypeScript: How to properly type out screen params?...
I'm not wrapping my head around how the types work for screen params. I looked at the documentation ( but I have no idea where they got the
View ArticleI can't get multitem in json format AsyncStorage React native
i tryng to load all items saved in my asyncstorage, but my response does not return in json format, returns in this format: [["engineyard",...
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