Change Style of components programatically (quiz app)
I am making a Quiz App.After user makes their choices, they press submit and wrong/right answers display.If user answered everything right, nothing happens. Next question comes up. (This part...
View Articlereact native typescript 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type...
[I keep getting the error that says 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never' in react native typescript and I don't know why. Can someone help me fix this bug.Thank you in advance.]1code...
View Articlereact-native images with space in name not loading
I am trying to use an image in my react native app.I have very little code at this pointThis is all the code I have for nowimport React from 'react';import { ScrollView, View, Text } from...
View ArticleReact Navigation v6 NavigationContainer linking attribute with nested...
I am using react navigation 6 with a root stack navigator containing a tab navigator. My linking attribute config looks like this: const linking = { prefixes: [prefix], config: { screens: { Roundups:...
View ArticleCreate button group in React Native using react components
I am looking to see an example of button group something like in the example here.ButtonGroup created using only React Native component like TouchableOpacity and Text etc...
View ArticleHow to not use any in React-Native Fast-Image Component TypeScript
I have a component that will show an Image, It will receive an url and style.interface FastImageProps { styleComponent: StyleProp<ImageStyle> | StyleProp<ImageStyle>[]; url: string;}export...
View ArticleTypescript React Native Element must be a string error
I am using typescript on my react native and I am just getting started learning it. Something nontrivial that shows off how to use TypeScript in React Native.I have the following codes on my App.tsx...
View ArticleWhich is the correct way to know if api call in redux-saga was success or not...
First of all, I would explain that I'm using react-native with typescript and hooks and for redux I'm using saga.I have a button in a component that send a code to api to validate it. If it success...
View Articlereact-native self scrolling effect using scrollview
I am not sure if the heading is accurate but I want to implement something like this in react-nativeNotice how it automatically scrolls for a while when the user scrolls quickly from right to left.This...
View ArticleHow to define TypeScript Modules in a React Native Project
I have an assets folder which I will be accessing from various locations in my codebase. I wanted to turn this folder into a module by defining a package.json file. My directory looks like this:app |--...
View ArticleTypescript in React Native
I have the following codes on my App.tsx file:import React from 'react';import {StyleSheet, View, SafeAreaView, Text} from 'react-native';export interface Props { totalCount: number; readingCount:...
View ArticleNo overload matches on FlatList React Native
I am working on my <FlatList> in React Native.I have the ff flatlist code:<FlatList data={this.state.books} keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()} renderItem={({item}: {item:...
View ArticleAdyen Drop-In Payment Gateway library for React Native
Anyone please suggest a perfect library for Adyen Drop-In payment library for React Native platform?We tried the below library. But we couldn't find the clear...
View ArticleHow to convert js to typescript in reactnative
I am new to react-native. I have a code with js and would like to convert this to typescript. This has 2 errorerorr1:Cannot find name 'componentDidMount'.ts(2304)erorr2:Object is possibly...
View ArticleNo overload matches this call Typescript on Button in React native
I have my Welcome.tsx file:import React from 'react';import {View, StyleSheet, Text, Button, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Feather';const...
View Articlewhen using onClick event with callback is not listen on React functional...
I have one flyout that listens to the onClick event to open to a new tab then close it. When I bypass the onClick function onClickOption as props, it is working but when I set it up as onClick inline...
View ArticleHow to use Animated API to scale text small and up rather than smaller and...
Whenever I am trying to use the Animated API in react-native to make my text scale smaller and up it always goes to the right. Here are pictures of the scalingHere is my code, id like to have it inline...
View ArticleMobx-state-tree, create a types.custom from a protobuf message
My goal is to create a custom type for mobx-state-tree where the type is based on my protobuf message.Here is what I have.// create my custom typeconst myMessagePrimitive= types.custom<Uint8Array,...
View ArticleReact Native: Getting error "Property 'style' does not exist on type...
From reading other SO questions/answers I understand the solution to this problem (simply add style to my component's props object) but I don't understand why this is necessary.Isn't style an...
View ArticleScrollview whose individual child takes all remaining area
I want to create a scrollview (in react-native app) whose individual children take the remaining space on the screen.The goal is that, as user scrolls, he should only be shown one profile at a time...
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