React native app won't build after installing react-native-vector icons
I've been trying to add react-native-vector-icons in my project recently using react-native 0.63.4. However when I build the project I got this from the terminal when I ran this terminal command npx...
View ArticleReact Native State Updated when it should not
I have filterData which comes from a controller, so i set filterData to options, for the UI,Like thisconst [state, setState] = React.useState({ options: filterData, });filter data is this[{"List":...
View ArticleCan't set state in a React functional component
I'm new to React and functional components and I wanted to create a simple app in which I have a Gallery component that I'm showing in the app, then I have a button that is supposed to set the state...
View ArticleHow to select a button in React Native, without selecting others?
I have a simple quiz app that always has the same answers, with different points to each one.When USER presses, I want the button to be selected, change color, pass the id to a state.When USER presses...
View ArticleProblem with listenerUrl and InAppBrowser
I am trying to get the URL that I am sending the app to here and console.log it out. url =""The URL is valid but heres where the trouble starts, I cannot get the URL to...
View ArticleCan't access function component const inside function in react native
I declare in one of my function component App the constant audioRecorderPlayer. When I try to access it in the function onStartRecord I get the error Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): Cannot read...
View ArticleIs there a way to implement the IOS style date scale slider for graphs?
Does anyone know how you could implement this in react native typescript managed by expo? This image is from the health app on IOS.
View Articlehow to pass style props of a reusable component in react native using typescript
I want to make a reusable component in react-native using typescript.Most of the time I use this way as a simple react-native project. This time I want to use TypeScript instead of JavaScript. how can...
View ArticleReact Native url response in app browser cannot find as null
Im trying to extract a url from an in-app browser and I am having some trouble any ideas are welcome!The link will open successfully but when I click the cancel button on the in-app browser the link...
View ArticleHow does one trigger an action in a child functional component in React?
With a basic form/input layout, it's clear that a callback should be used for state changes from child to parent (initiated by child), but how can the parent ask the child component to re-assess its...
View ArticlePass props from App class to const function React Typescript
Im trying to create an React Native App with Expo.I have a logical error passing props from App class to my Component "Navigator" type const function.Im not sure how i must to pass the props or how i...
View ArticleCannot read property 'startRecorder' of undefined error when starting audio...
I am trying to record audio using an expo react native application.I declare in one of my function component App the constant audioRecorderPlayer. When I try to access it in the function onStartRecord...
View ArticleError React Native with Expo, Navigation ''navigation.navigate is not a...
Im creating a simple React native App using Expo(Typescript) and Ract-navigation.I define two Screens, Login and Home, when i trying to navigate from Login to Home, produces an error:"TypeError:...
View ArticleHow to type custom TabBar in react navigation 5
import React from 'react';import { Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native';import { BottomTabNavigationProp, createBottomTabNavigator,} from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';import {...
View ArticleHow to type Tab Navigator in react navigation 5 and TypeScript
import React from 'react';import { Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native';import { BottomTabNavigationProp, createBottomTabNavigator,} from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';import {...
View Articlecallback function for `scroll` event doesn't get covered by enzyme test....
This is my part of React component... componentDidMount(): void { window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll, true); } handleScroll() { const hello = 'assign'; this.setState({blah: 'blah'});...
View ArticleReact Native Paper the List.Accordion I can put the Icon
ObjectiveI am using the library react-native-paper and I am using the List components, but in the List.Accordion appears one strange image at the right position, I would like to put an icon arrow down...
View ArticleReact Native Exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating...
I am getting this error when running a React Native project.I created the project using expo init NewProject and am running to an ios simulator using expo-cli start --tunnel (which is when I get the...
View ArticleHow to create a script within my React Native app
I have a React Native app. As part of the release process, I need to run a script that uses some of the code in my app to generate a static file. Specifically, my app is a game that uses pre-computed...
View ArticleHow to declare type in Stylesheed if style object access like styles[color]...
I am new to typescript. I am trying to create a component in which we pass color name or code and if color exist in the component stylesheet then it will use that style else it will use new color code....
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