How should I exit In App Purchases Test Mode
So I decided to implement in-app-purchases using expo-in-app-purchases. everything worked greet.Now I have done my part and want it on Production mode.When I try to Buy thing in my app it says test...
View ArticleTrying to import gql files error 2307 in react native with typescript
In the code, import shows the error"Cannot find module './somefile.gql' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)", but I can actually run the app in a deviceProblem comes as I want to commit and...
View ArticleReact ref that depends by an element's reference does not get passed to the...
The following code creates an object ref that's called editor, but as you see it depends by the contentDiv element that's a ref to a HTMLElement. After the editor object is created it needs to be...
View ArticleTypeScript React Native Flatlist: How to give renderItem the correct type of...
I'm building a React Native app with TypeScript. renderItem complains that the destructured item implicitly has an any type. I googled and found this question and tried to implement what they teach...
View ArticleHow to refresh a cached screen in React Native when navigating back to it
In my React Native project I have one screen that shows a deck of cards and another that contains game instructions and allows you to shuffle the deck, I switch between cards and instructions with a...
View ArticleReact native webview crashes on optional check
when I'm entering a screen, the app just crashes / closes immediately when it's doing this check. It's checking for if webivew is true or false.Any reason why?const [webview, setWebview] =...
View ArticleReact-Native nested navigation not working in expo
I'm using the React Native Stack Navigation to configure the header in my app and then nest a Drawer Navigation inside of it.In the android emulator, everything is working fine. But whenever I try to...
View ArticleProperty 'origin' does not exist on type '{} In Expo and TypeScript
I got error when I tried push notifications in expo react native.I am using TypeScriptthis is my code: in data and origin error appear: "Property 'origin' does not exist on type '{}'." also for data...
View Articleref object is possibly undefined in react native
I have a section list and i want to implement a solution to auto scroll to a certain section when clicking on a button. To start with i added a ref to my section list but it's giving out an error as...
View ArticleHow to fetch data from react-native-webview from nodejs server?
I would like to add google and facebook login in my react-native app. So when the user logins with google through the webview he should receive a json web token to perform further requests to my...
View ArticleReact Native TypeScript Error: Module '"react-native"' has no exported member...
I've recently implemented dark mode into my app, but having an issue with an error when building the npm package with npm build. The code works, but is there a way or a reason to remove this...
View Article@react-navigation/native upgrade to V5 SyntaxError
I am having some trouble with upgrading my react-navigation from v3 to v5. I keep running into this error, at first I thought it was a bug but I am not finding any other complaints online about it. To...
View ArticleHow to solve syntax error, unexpected token, export type?
I was using version 2.x of react-navigation, now I'm migrating to version 5.x. I have installed all modules according to the documentation, but on running the application, I get this error.It seems...
View ArticleAnimate react navigation bottom tab navigation screen's components on load or...
I am searching to find a tutorial to implement lazy loading or showing some animation to the screen when bottom nav is routed to another screen(when screen changes) instead of displaying it without any...
View ArticleConcept for secured app login: someone here has a better idea, something to...
Our Situation:we are in the process of developing a concept for a login screen, for a palette of different online apps.all online apps should be available via the same login, depending on the...
View ArticleWhat is the best practice for a single global login page for multiple online...
Our Situation:we are in the process of developing a concept for a login screen, for a palette of different online apps.all online apps should be available via the same login, depending on the...
View ArticleReact Navigation v5 how to navigate between tabs with typescript
Here is my navigator. I have a bottomTab with 3 stack navigators as screens 'Home''Profile''Discover', and main root stack navigator with bottom tab navigator and few modal screens. I can not...
View Articlelooping over and creating an array in typescript
I am trying to loop over and create another array of the type of information that I need. However I am getting the following error:Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.ts(2554)index.d.ts(1104, 74): An...
View ArticleHow to add scrollview to card in react native
I am trying to add a Scrollview to my card in react native. However my card is animated and if I try to scroll I think it assumes it for swiping up instead. Alongside this the way my card is set out...
View ArticleHow to access, send props in const type views - React Native?
I'm learning the way to creating an API react native with typescript without using the class extends component.Actually, I don't know how to access and send the props from const view to another...
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